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Finora admin ha creato 25 post nel blog.

A Pint & A Chat: Xmas Edition


It is our final Pint and a Chat for the year, so we wanted to make it special! Come along for some Christmas cheer. There will be games, prizes and more! Spots are limited so be sure to register through the link or email ________________________________________________ Vieni e unisciti a noi per una notte immersa nella cultura britannica e pratica il tuo inglese in un ambiente informale e accogliente. Forniremo spunti di conversazione, giochi e molto altro per mantenere la conversazione fluida e gli argomenti interessanti. Tutti sono benvenuti, ci saranno attività per ogni livello. L'ingresso è gratuito. Bevande e cibo [...]

A Pint & A Chat: Xmas Edition2022-11-30T16:48:44+01:00

Inglese a Pontinia


Armstrong English school è lieta di annunciare che inizieremo ad offrire corsi di inglese anche a Pontinia. La scuola di inglese Armstrong è presente da oltre 40 anni nel territorio di Latina. La nostra missione è insegnare le lingue. Le lingue, per definizione sono vive, cambiano e si evolvono. Offriamo corsi per bambini 6-8 anni (Starters) 8-10 (Movers), 10-12 (Flyers) Corsi di preparazione agli esami Cambridge: A2, B1, B2, C1 e corsi per adulti. Vieni ad incontrare gli insegnanti e scopri tutto ciò che Armstrong ha da offrire EVENTO: Sabato 11 Novembre La fabbrica di cioccolato | via Don Luigi Sturzo [...]

Inglese a Pontinia2023-11-07T11:33:49+01:00

Evento Inglese a Latina: Pint and a Chat


Come and join us for a night of UK culture and practice your English in a casual and comfortable setting. We will provide conversation starters, games and much more to keep the chat flowing and the topics interesting. All are welcome,  we will provide activities for every level. Entry is free. Drinks and food available from the bar. When: Wednesday 2nd November Time: 8:00pm Where: Private Event Space, Doolin Irish Pub, Via Adua, 10/12, 04100 Latina If you would like to attend, please register by email to: with your full name, number and English level: Beginner, Intermediate or Advanced   We look forward to seeing [...]

Evento Inglese a Latina: Pint and a Chat2022-10-27T20:02:16+02:00

5 Tips for Passing Your Cambridge Written Exam


5 tips for passing your Cambridge writing exam We had such a great response to our “5 Tips for Passing your Cambridge Speaking Exam” that we thought we’d share some tips for the written exam. These apply for every level and some are useful for any written exam!  You can thank us later ;) Answer ALL the questions Sometimes nerves get the best of us, but the best way to approach this exam is to stay cool, calm and collected – and make sure you fully understand and answer the ENTIRE question. Not just a portion! Take your time and break [...]

5 Tips for Passing Your Cambridge Written Exam2023-08-23T16:17:59+02:00

5 Tips for Passing your Cambridge Speaking Exam


As we prepare for exams, we wanted to share some of the top tips our students have been learning in their Armstrong classes for the speaking part of the exam. We’ve found these tips to be universal, for every level, and are worth keeping them in mind for when you’re practising on your own for the exam. So, without further ado 1.Ask politely! If you do not understand a question, remember you can always ask the examiner to repeat. Remember polite phrases such as: “Can you please repeat the question?” “Can you repeat that please?” And have them in your back [...]

5 Tips for Passing your Cambridge Speaking Exam2023-08-23T16:21:54+02:00

Latina Masterclass: English in Motion


We are so pleased to be able to offer you our “English in Motion” course re-packaged into a 3 hour masterclass! Join us on Saturday 9th April at 4:00pm for an immersive experience and practice your English in a relaxed and fun environment, all whilst learning all about the art of cinema. You will be guided by a mother-tongue industry professional through fun interactive activities to learn about directing, lighting, sound and producing. Spaces are limited! Contact us today: Contatti About the teacher: Annabelle comes from a film and television background, having worked around the world in the industry from New [...]

Latina Masterclass: English in Motion2022-03-21T11:14:20+01:00

The History of St Patrick’s Day


Last week we hosted our first ever event at local Irish pub "Doolin" so it's only fitting that this week we talk about the worldwide celebration that is St Patrick's Day! St Patrick's day is the symbol and celebration of the Catholic Church in Ireland. Folklore tells stories of St Patrick driving the snakes from Ireland and using the shamrock to explain the holy trinity. The reality is a bit less exciting. St Patrick was a Roman British slave at the end of the 4th century AD, who was captured and enslaved in Ireland. He escaped, but later returned to convert the "Green [...]

The History of St Patrick’s Day2022-03-17T09:26:33+01:00

English in Motion: Learn English Through Cinema


LEARN ABOUT CINEMA WHILST LEARNING ENGLISH FROM INDUSTRY PROFESSIONALS. Starting March 2022, English in Motion will be offered every Friday afternoon over four weeks to people with a B1+ level. English in Motion is a chance to practice your English in a fun and collaborative environment whilst learning about cinema and making films. You will learn about directing, producing, art direction and screenwriting at the same time as practicing your English and interacting with a mother-tongue English teacher. Contact us today for more details! Spaces are limited. Contatti Your teacher Annabelle comes from a film and television background, having worked around [...]

English in Motion: Learn English Through Cinema2022-02-23T14:42:49+01:00

Evento a Latina: “A Pint and a Chat” in Inglese


Come and join us for a night of UK culture and practice your English in a casual and comfortable setting. We will provide conversation starters, games and much more to keep the chat flowing and the topics interesting. All are welcome,  we will provide activities for every level. Entry is free. Drinks and food available from the bar. When: Wednesday 9th March Time: 8:00pm Where: Private Event Space, Doolin Irish Pub, Via Adua, 10/12, 04100 Latina If you would like to attend, please register by email to: with your full name, number and English level: Beginner, Intermediate or Advanced   We look forward to seeing [...]

Evento a Latina: “A Pint and a Chat” in Inglese2022-02-21T17:49:42+01:00

10 falsi amici a cui fare attenzione


Se hai studiato altre lingue, avrai familiarità con il concetto di "falso amico". Una parola che sembra e suona simile in entrambe le lingue, ma in realtà significa qualcosa di completamente diverso! A tutti è capitato almeno una volta di essere ingannato da un falso amico, quindi per aiutarti, abbiamo elencato alcune traduzioni errate comuni a cui prestare attenzione! Actually o Attualmente Le due parole sembrano così simili da farti pensare che siano la stessa cosa, ma in realtà hanno due definizioni diverse: Attualmente si traduce con "currently" mentre 'actually' significa "davvero, effettivamente".  La traduzione corretta di actually sarebbe "in realtá". [...]

10 falsi amici a cui fare attenzione2022-02-14T11:46:35+01:00
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